HomeReasoningNumber Grids

Number Grids

Number Grids 

Square or Rectangular Number Grids

  •  Number grids have certain number of rows (horizontal

divisions) and columns (vertical divisions) in which numbers are arranged.

  • There is some relationship among the numbers either along the rows or along the columns.
  • The most important task is to check if the relationship exists along the rows or along the columns.
  • Missing number can be calculated using same pattern between the numbers in the respective row or column.

Lets solve  some number grids

First row (4 ÷ 2) + (16 x 2) =34

Second row (18 ÷ 2) + (6 x 2) = 21

Third row : (20 ÷ 2) + (C X 2) = 52

                  : (C X 2) = 52 – 10

Missing Number: C = 42÷2=21

Missing Number: C = 21

First column: (4 x 7) + 4 = 32

Third column: (13 x 7) + 13 = 104

Missing Number: C = (26 X 3) + 26 =104

Missing Number:  = 104

First column: 15 + 16 + 81 – 2 = 110

Third column: 13 + 16 + 113 – 2 = 140

Second column: 56 + b + 87 – 2 = 150

Missing Number: b = 150 – (87 + 56 + -2)

Missing Number:  = 9

First Row: (15 X 15) – (13 X 13) = 56

Third Row: (16 X 16) – (13 X 13) = 87

Second Row: b = (16 x 16) – (14 X 14)

Missing Number: b = 60

Numbers can be arranged in many geometrical patterns but the concept remains the same.